Four Gods Project
October 22 - 28, 1997
Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto, Japan
Jonathan Borofsky lives and works in Maine, USA.
Note on the project:
Jonathan Borofsky brought a solitary act of painting into a public viewing.
He set up easels in the temple and created several paintings using the word
'god' intersecting in four directions. He painted in front of a constantly-
changing audience from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for seven days.
As part of this 7-day project, a pulsating red ruby - symbolizing the artist's
heart - was placed in the garden that was created in the beginning of the
Edo period (the 17th century). Borofsky's
Four Gods soundtrack was played
continuously in the background.
The photographs are reproduced with the kind permission of the artist.
Copyright: Jonathan Borofsky